Wi-Fi Access At Cosgrove Park

Whilst some of our customers like to use their time at Cosgrove Park to completely immerse themselves in the unspoilt beauty of the Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire countryside, others enjoy spending time surfing the internet from the comfort of their holiday home or touring caravan.

 Touring Caravan Areas

For your enjoyment, Cosgrove Park touring areas benefit from a free basic Wi-Fi service providing internet access for customers.

The password for this service is available from Reception.

Holiday Home Internet Access

We are pleased to be able to offer you internet connectivity via an access point inside your home. There is a one-off installation fee of £295 which includes all cabling, equipment and labour.       
  • No further monthly on going costs or annual contracts
  • There is no data cap
  • Good coverage throughout your holiday home and plot
  • Your own access point and personal password
  • Can connect multiple wireless devices simultaneously
  • The service can stream media for your Netflix, Amazon Prime etc

We do not allow the use of CCTV cameras on the network.

Please note that this installation has no hub and no ethernet ports to plug cables into. (It is purely a Wi-Fi Service)

If you upgrade your holiday home or relocate plots on site. We can transfer the equipment to your new home/plot.

Whilst we are proud to have installed a reliable wireless network at Cosgrove Park, we cannot guarantee our customers an uninterrupted service.


01908 563360


 Terms & Conditions 

This agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which wireless internet access (“the Service”) is provided to you, a guest/customer of Cosgrove Park, inclusive of any parent or partner companies (“us”) in consideration for your custom, your agreement to these terms and conditions and your agreement to allow us to send to you by e-mail our promotional and marketing material;

1. Extent of the Service

1.1 We do not recommend the use of any websites (or other internet related services) (“Internet Services”) and your use of Internet Services is carried out entirely at your own risk.

1.2 We have no responsibility for, or control over, the Internet Services you access and do not guarantee that any services are error or virus free.

1.3 We have no responsibility for, or control over, the information you transmit or receive via the Service.

1.4 Save for the purposes of network diagnostics we do not examine the use to which you put the Service or the nature of the information you send or receive.

1.5 We do not guarantee:

1.5.1 the availability of the Service;

1.5.2 the speed at which information may be transmitted or received via the Service; or

1.5.3 that the Service will be compatible with your equipment or any software which you use.

1.6 Whilst we take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the Service and to prevent unlawful access to information transmitted or received using the Service, we do not guarantee the security of the information which you may transmit or receive using the Service or located on any equipment utilising the Service and you accept that it is your responsibility to protect your information and have adequate security (in terms of equipment and procedures) to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of your information and data.

1.7 We reserve the right at all times to withdraw the Service, change the specification or manner of use of the Service, to change access codes, usernames, passwords or other security information necessary to access the service.

2. Your Use of the Service

2.1 You must not use the Service to access Internet Services, or send or receive e-mails, which:

2.1.1 are defamatory, threatening, intimidatory or which could be classed as harassment.

2.1.2 contain obscene, profane or abusive language or material.

2.1.3 contain illegal pornographic material as defined by UK law (that includes text, pictures, films or video clips).

2.1.4 contain offensive or derogatory images regarding sex, race, religion, colour, origin, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition or sexual orientation.

2.1.5 contain material which infringe third party’s rights (including intellectual property rights);

2.1.6 in our reasonable opinion may adversely affect the manner in which we carry out our business; or

2.1.7 are otherwise unlawful or inappropriate.

2.2 Music, video, pictures, text and other content on the internet are copyright works and you should not download, alter, e-mail or otherwise use such content unless certain that the owner of such works has authorised its use by you.

2.3 We may terminate or temporarily suspend the Service if we reasonably believe that you are in breach of any provisions of this agreement including but not limited to clauses 2.1 to 2.3 above.

2.4 We recommend that you do not use the service to transmit or receive any confidential information or data and should you choose to do so you do so at your own risk.

2.5 The Service is intended for consumer use only. In the event that you use the Service for commercial purposes we would specifically refer you to clause 5.2 below.

3. Criminal Activity

3.1 You must not use the Service to engage in any activity which constitutes or is capable of constituting a criminal offence, either in the United Kingdom or in any state throughout the world.

3.2 You agree and acknowledge that we may be required to provide assistance and information to law enforcement, governmental agencies and other authorities.

3.3 You agree and acknowledge that we may keep a log of the Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses of any devices which access the Service, the times when they have accessed the Service and the activity associated with that IP address.

3.4 You further agree we are entitled to co-operate with law enforcement authorities and rights-holders in the investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity by you which may include, but is not limited to, disclosure of such information as we have (whether pursuant to clause 3.3 or otherwise), and are entitled to provide by law, to law enforcement authorities or rights-holders.

4. Our Use of your Information

4.1 Subject to clauses 3.3 and 3.4 above we confirm that we shall use the contact details you provide to us solely for the purposes of contacting you with marketing information, updates, promotions and special offers relating to our business.

5. Other Terms

5.1 You agree to compensate us fully for any claims or legal action made or threatened against us by someone else because you have used the service in breach of these terms and conditions, and in particular clause 2.1 to 2.3 and 3.1 above.

5.2 Whilst we do not seek to limit our responsibility for fraudulent misrepresentation or if you are injured or die as a result of our negligence we have no responsibility (to the extent permitted by law) to compensate you (whether or not we are negligent) for any direct financial loss, loss of profit, revenue, time, anticipated savings or profit or revenue, opportunity, data, use, business, wasted expenditure, business interruption, loss arising from disclosure of confidential information, loss arising from or in connection with use of the service or inability to use or access the service or a failure, suspension or withdrawal of all or part of the service at any time or damage to physical property or for any other similar direct loss that may arise in relation to this agreement whether or not we were advised in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage.

5.3 We agree that neither this agreement does not allow either party to act as, or hold themselves out as, acting as an agent of the other party and that that the terms of this agreement are not enforceable by a third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

5.4 This agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales and is subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

5.5 Equipment installed in or on holiday homes shall not be transferred or sold to other holiday home owners. Such equipment will be deactivated from our network.

5.6 Access points installed in holiday homes must not be removed, disconnected or tampered with. You must not attempt to install your own equipment onto our network. If you are found in breach of these rules Cosgrove Park reserves the right to cease the service provided to your home.

By accessing the wireless network, you acknowledge that you're of legal age, you have read and understood and agree to be bound by this agreement.

The wireless network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. Your access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason.

You agree not to use the wireless network for any purpose that is unlawful and take full responsibility of your acts.

The wireless network is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.


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Venetian Marina Whilton Caravan Storage Whilton Marina
Cosgrove Park. Main Street, Cosgrove, Milton Keynes, MK19 7JP.
Phone: 01908 563360 Fax: 01908 263615