Page 3 - Cosgrove Information Booklet 2024
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Rubbish/Waste & Recycling           Peaceful Locations                              Summer Events                       Opening Times
          The wastebins are located close to   Some residents can enjoy exclusive fishing     Marquee and
          Reception, please place your rubbish into   rights in some of Cosgrove Park’s lakes on                                   Adult Swim       9am - 10am
          refuse sacks and dispose of them inside   their own private fishing deck located at   Licensing                          Family Swim      10am - 1pm
          the black bins.  Only kitchen/bin waste   their holiday home plot.
          and grass generated from your caravan   Many lakes however, such as Bream, Perch,   Please feel free to ‘Bring your own’    Closed        1pm - 2pm
          are to be disposed of in these bins.  Glass   Tench, Pike, Rainbow and Canada lakes   alcohol to consume on your plot,    Family Swim     2pm - 5pm
          recycling is also located near to reception.                                        The Lakeside Café or The Summer
                                              are available for all anglers to enjoy from     Events Marquee.
          Electric Cards                      35-plus fishing platforms which are located     Cosgrove Park does not have a license to
          These cards can be purchased from   away from caravan plots.  These lakes are       sell alcohol on site.               Children’s Play Area
                                              also available for night fishing although
          Reception, 24 hours a day in the following   vehicle access is restricted during bad
          denominations: £5, £10, £20 and £30.    weather.                                                                        Our extensive well-maintained play area
          Electricity is included in Overnight                                                Heated Outdoor                      has swings, slides and climbing frames
          Touring and Glamping Pods.          BREAM, PERCH, RAINBOW AND                                                           to keep youngsters’ content for many
                                                                                                                                  happy hours.
                                              CANADA LAKES WILL BE CLOSED FOR                 Swimming Pool
          Wifi                                FISHING ON THE NIGHT BEFORE A                                                       There is a separate secure area for children
          Please speak to our Reception team about   FISHING MATCH UNTIL 2PM ON THE           •  We have two pools, a spacious swimming   who are up to six years old.
          our on-site wifi.                   DAY OF THE COMPETITION.                          pool and large paddling pool.      CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF
                                                                                              •  Both pools are well-maintained    8 YEARS OLD MUST BE SUPERVISED
                                              Included in your stay                            and supervised by our team of      BY AN ADULT.
          Fishing                             Fishing within the grounds of Cosgrove           friendly pool attendance.
                                              Park is included in the price of your stay at   •  Children under the age of 8 years old   Opening Times
          Cosgrove Park’s coarse fishing facilities   the Park.  Bait and tackle can be purchased   must be accompanied by an adult.   9am to 9pm every day.
          provide keen anglers with the opportunity   from our Park Store.                    •  Dogs, Alcohol and Smoking (including
          to enjoy our well stocked lakes.  All   Matches                                      e-cigarettes) are not permitted in the
          anglers must have a valid UK Rod Licence.                                            pool area.                         Skate Park
          Maximum of two rods at any one time.  Cosgrove Park has become well known in
                                              Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire,           •  Seasonal customer are issued with   The Skate Park is situated alongside the
          Children under 12 do not need a licence.    for having a keen and very well supported   six swimming pool passes per plot.
          With fourteen beautiful lakes and three   resident’s match fishing scene.  Spaces    Overnight Touring/Glamping Pods    Children’s Play Area.
          pools, The River Ouse, The River Tove and   for each match are offered on a ‘first   are issued with four swimming pool   Why not come along and show off your
          the Grand Union Canal within an easy walk   come first served’ basis and must pay    wristbands for the duration of     skills on either your push bike, skateboard,
          from Cosgrove Park.  These enable anglers   a £5 (cash) entry when booking via       their stay.                        or roller skates.  Our Skate Park includes a
          to enjoy some of the most varied and   Reception.  All anglers must also show a     •  Additional wristbands can be purchased   Quarter Pipe, Planter, Driveway, Jump Box,
          exciting fishing in the area.  Keep nets are   valid Environment Agency Rod License.    from Reception at £4 each.      Flatbank, Roll In, Pyramid and Roll Over.
          not allowed at the Park, they can only be   Available for all customers of
          used in Cosgrove Park fishing matches.  Cosgrove Park.                              Hot Tub and Sauna                   CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF
                                                                                                                                  8 YEARS OLD MUST BE SUPERVISED
          All fish must be returned to the water as                                           We have a large Hot Tub located in the   BY AN ADULT.
          quickly as possible.                                                                Pool Area, with space for six people. There
                                                                                              is also a sauna located in the pool area.   Opening Times
          Ground bait and particle loose feed may be                                          Both the Hot Tub and Sauna is for over    9am to 9pm every day.
          used.  Live bait is not permitted.                                                  18s only.
                                                                                                                                  PLEASE NOTE THAT DOGS AND
                                                                                                                                  BALL GAMES ARE NOT PERMITTED
                                                                                                                                  IN THE CHILDREN’S PLAY AREA OR
                                                                                                                                  SKATE PARK.

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