Page 5 - Cosgrove Information Booklet 2024
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Xscape Milton Keynes is a unique    A 1.6 miles (approx. 30 minutes) walk           Walking, Running                    •  You will start to see Caravans on your
          entertainment destination where you can   along the Grand Union Canal over easy                                          right (Cosgrove Park), then on your
          eat, shop, and play under one roof!  Inside   terrain from the starting point.      and Cycling                          left is an entrance into the Floodplain
          the ultra-modern building are the    1.  Start your walk at the Navigation Inn                                           Forest Nature Reserve. Continue on the
          country’s biggest indoor real snow    which can be found to the North of            A beautiful 5K Walk, Run or Cycle.   footpath bearing left then right, with The
          slopes, Europe’s first purpose-built body   Cosgrove Village.                       •  Make your way to the secure ‘Coded   River Great Ouse and Cosgrove Park on
          flying tunnel, rock climbing walls, a                                                Gate’. This Gate is show on the right-hand   your right.
          multiplex cinema, bowling alley, gym, and   2.  Head south along the road until you   side of the Map, on the back page of this   •  Continue for approx. ¼ miles, you
          fitness centre as well as numerous bars,   reach a bridleway heading south east to   booklet, (contact Reception for the    will pass another entrance into the
          restaurants, and retail outlets.      Cosgrove.                                      access code).                       Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve.
          Milton Keynes is also home to Pirate   3.  When you reach the village, turn east    •  Out of the gate turn right, continue for   Continue, just before you go under the
          Island Adventure Golf and the exciting,   on Bridge Road and cross over the          100 yards and go over the White Bridge.   trees on your right is where The River
          action-packed Si5 Spy Missions indoor   ornamental Bridge. This Gothic style                                             Great Ouse meets with The River Tove.
          spy-themed adventure centre.          bridge over the Grand Union Canal was                                             •  Continue over the Brown Bridge for a
                                                built in the 1970s at the insistence of a
          If you are a motorsport fan, you will also                                                                               further ¼ mile, you will then reach
          find Daytona Motorsport MK, which is   local landowner. It is one of the only two                                        The Iron Trunk Aqueduct.
          regarded as the UK’s ultimate outdoor   ornamental bridges over the canal.
          karting venue with its two exceptional   4.  Follow the road a little further,
          racetracks and Formula Fast           then head north on a footpath alongside
          Indoor Karting.                       the Grand Union Canal to return to
                                                the road a short distance from the
          If you have more of a head for heights, you   Navigation Inn.
          may like to try Aerial Extreme at Willen
          Lake, with its high rope adventure courses   A 35 minute walk to Wolverton
          or the Big Rock Indoor Climbing Centre,   Mill – over easy terrain.
          or even Go Ape at Woburn Safari Park.
                                              1.  Start at the junction of the
          London is a comfortable journey by train    Buckinghamshire Arms with the
          enabling holiday makers to enjoy a    Grand Union Canal which is left of
          leisurely trip to the capital.        Cosgrove Park.
                                              2.  Walk south-east along the towpath to the
          Walking and                           iron aqueduct which was built in the 1811
                                                to replace the former stone Aqueduct.
          Cycling                               The Aqueduct carries the canal across
                                                the Ouse Valley.
          The beautiful rural location of Cosgrove   3.  Follow the path over the Aqueduct and
          Park Holiday Home and Touring Park    then turn right, down the cattle tunnel
          provides a wonderful environment for   and under the canal.
          walking and cycling in both
          Northamptonshire and                4.  From here, the south bank of the            •  You are now passing over The River
          Buckinghamshire.                      Great Ouse to Wolverton Mill.                  Great Ouse. After the bridge turn right,
                                              5.  Cross the bridge and follow the
          With so many walking and cycling routes                                              sign posted ‘Ouse Valley Park - West &
          within the grounds of the Park and in the   footpath north, back to Cosgrove.        Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve - West’
          surrounding area, it is hard to believe that   6.  At Cosgrove, cross the canal using    •  Continue for approx. ¼ mile, keeping the
          Cosgrove Park is such a short distance    the lock walkway to return to your         River Great Ouse on your right.
          for bustling Milton Keynes.           ]starting point.

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