Page 2 - Cosgrove Home Owners Guide 2024
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Welcome to Christmas Holiday Visitors Events & Activities
Cosgrove Park For a period of usually ten days, the Park closes completely
- all gates and barriers are locked. Security staff are on site Please provide car registration details for all visitors All our water sports, off road buggies, events and
activities can be booked through reception by calling
The management and staff would like to welcome you throughout the times when the day staff are not. prior to their arrival. 01908 563 360. Please make sure you cancel any
to the park.
If you do not give prior notice, your guests will have activity if you are unable to attend, failure to cancel a
We have compiled this guidebook for you, it contains to wait at the main gate until you can be contacted. booking may result in you not being able to book any
relevant information concerning your Holiday Home Vehicle Access/ANPR If we cannot contact you – they will not be permitted further activities.
and Ownership at Cosgrove Park entrance to the Park.
This booklet contains important information on how Upon signing your site rent agreement each year and It is the responsibility of the Holiday Homeowner to
to get the most out of your Holiday Home and also providing us with your caravan insurance, you can register book in guests to the park. It is our aim to keep the Park Arcade
an introduction to the services supplied to you by six vehicle number plates to our ANPR system which and its facilities available for the exclusive use of our
Cosgrove Park. allows you access to the park. If you change your vehicle residents and their guests. We do not permit Motorhomes There is a range of free entertainment for all ages
Please read all the information in this book you will need to inform the Reception who will update or campervans as visiting vehicles to the park. including Pool Tables, Xbox Consoles, Air Hockey
thoroughly and keep it in a safe place for future your details. and Guitar Hero.
reference. THE PARK HAS A 10 MPH SPEED LIMIT. CCTV will be operational in this area 24/7.
If you have any further questions or queries, please Car Parking
do not hesitate in contacting Reception and we will
be more than happy to help you. Electric Scooters Whilst every effort is made to provide adequate parking Non powered
May we take this opportunity to wish you many years facilities, it is necessary for some owners to park their
cars at the back of their caravan or indeed on their plot.
of enjoyment at Cosgrove Park. Electric scooters are not permitted on Cosgrove Park. Watercraft
Wherever you park your car, please ensure that it is not
blocking any access roads or in such a position as to
Swimming Pool possibly obstruct Park vehicles such as grass cutting Only authorised Sailing Boats can be stored in the area
tractors, etc.
adjacent to the swimming pool. Storage payment is
Occupancy Upon signing your site rent agreement, you will also be Do not under any circumstances park or allow your required in advance at reception. Please make sure all
trailers are marked correctly with your trailer ID number.
issued with your swimming pool permits. You will receive visitors to park on any plot other than your own.
Cosgrove Park is open from six permits; this will allow six people at any one time to PARKING ON ANY OF OUR EMPTY CONCRETE Insurance is required on all watercrafts and a copy is to
9am April 1st until 4pm November 1st. go swimming. If more than six people at any one time BASES/SALES PLOTS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. be given to reception. No watercraft will be permitted to
use the water sports lake without valid insurance.
During the open season, you may spend as much time would like to go swimming you can purchase extra permits Please note all vehicles brought on to the Park must have
as you wish at your Holiday Home and use all of the for the day. Should you lose any of your permits there will a valid tax, MOT certificate & insurance. All drivers must Please note all property brought on to the park or which
services available. be a charge for replacements. Under no circumstances hold a full driving license & under no circumstances may may be stored by arrangement remains the sole risk of the
may residents or their guests make or use copies or children sit on drivers laps whilst driving. owner thereof and the Park shall not be liable for any loss
Please note neither your Holiday Home nor Cosgrove Park duplicate any permits. Access will be denied to the or damage to any property, vehicle etc., or contents thereof.
is to be used as a mailing address or sole UK residence, pool without your permit. Vehicles can be left on site over the winter-closed period.
under any circumstances. If you wish to store your vehicle a storage payment is BUOYANCY AIDS MUST BE WORN ON ALL WATER
Over the winter months (Nov 1st to Mar 31st) you may MAY NOT BE A LIFEGUARD ON DUTY.
still visit the park, seven days a week, but only between Please note, only water crafts with a rigid base are
the hours of 9am - 4pm Monday to Saturday and 10am – permitted on the lake. Please consult with water sports
4pm Sundays. The secure gate by the dog walking field Commercial Vehicles/ staff regarding any inflatable vessels.
is located by Kingfisher Bay will not be available to use
during the winter months. Security Motorhomes
OVERNIGHT DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. Commercial and sign written vehicles such as transit vans, Caravan owners are asked to ensure that any household
tippers etc are not permitted to be parked out on the open
We do leave the electricity switched on throughout the Throughout the season the park has full time park, some vehicles are subject to the Park discretion rubbish generated whilst on site is put into a refuse bag
winter months but the water and wastewater systems are security staff. If you feel at all uncomfortable with depending on size and build. They may be used to drop and then placed into one of the large black bins situated
turned off, however there may be times due to works being a situation that may have occurred outside office off luggage, equipment and passengers and must then be by the Main Office. Do NOT leave rubbish bags by the
carried out that the electricity may be switched off so hours, then please do not hesitate to call the parked in one of our commercial car parking areas. roadside or near your caravan.
would advise residents to empty fridges and freezers at Main Office on 01908 563 360 and a member Please note all property brought on to the park or which
the end of the season. of our security will be pleased to help you. Please note: Gas bottles, batteries, fridge/freezers,
All matters will be dealt with confidentially. may be stored by arrangement remains the sole risk of the awnings, furniture, televisions, garden equipment etc
Throughout the winter closed period all the toilet owner thereof and the Park shall not be liable for any loss must be taken to your local waste disposal centre as we
facilities are closed. However, there are toilets available or damage to any property, vehicle etc., or contents thereof. are unable to recycle them.
in Cosgrove Store and Kitchen.
Motorhome/Campervans are not permitted on site as Any waste or rubbish generated off site must NOT be
your main vehicle. There may be a charge for any storage brought onto the Park for disposal.
costs, and they must be parked in one of our commercial
car parking areas. Please contact reception for Please be aware that we have CCTV in operation in
more information. . this area.