Page 4 - Cosgrove Home Owners Guide 2024
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You may also choose to sell your holiday home privately or If warnings from the Environment agency or
move it off site, in this instance it must be removed from Meteorological Office, or our own observations indicate
its plot by 1st November. Please remove all personal effects that a flooding event will take place - we have a set Emergency contact numbers
from your plot as there may be a charge for disposing of procedure to inform and advise our customers, however
any items. A disconnection charge of £1250 inc VAT is the advance notice of such an event may be limited.
payable before we disconnect your home.
For caravan owners on site, staff members will, if possible,
You must inform Cosgrove Park of your decision by knock on each caravan door or will sound a siren from a If for any reason you have had to call any of the Police, Fire, Ambulance: 999
1st November. Park vehicle to inform you of the situation. emergency services it is essential that you inform the Stony Medical centre: 01908 260 382
main office of your name, plot number and state that
For caravan owners off site, we will endeavour to contact you are a Static resident, this will enable us to deal MK General Hospital: 01908 660 033
you and therefore it is imperative that all of your contact with the situation efficiently.
Aftersales details are up to date on our files. The emergency services may ask you for our NHS Direct: 111
Experience has shown that it is sometimes not possible to full address: Local Police: 101
contact everyone so we advise all owners to pay particular Environment Agency
Whether your Holiday Home is new or previously owned, attention to the Met Office website or call the Environment Cosgrove Park recorded flood
if you have any problems with your Holiday Home speak to Agency Floodline on 0845 9881188 or website for Main Street warning message: 08459 881 188
a member of staff. For example, if doors won’t shut or lock further information. Cosgrove
properly or if you have a water leak. Our Park maintenance Milton Keynes
team can rectify lots of problems for you. Some work Should it be necessary to close the Park completely, MK19 7JP
carried out is free of charge, some chargeable, you will be we will endeavour to contact you as to when it is safe for Telephone: 01908 563 360
advised if you are to incur any costs before any work is you to return.
carried out. Bearing all of this in mind, it is imperative that all caravan
owners insure their holiday homes with a reputable
Most items in a Holiday Home are replaceable – whether
its door handles and locks. Office staff have access to company that will provide cover for flooding, just in case a Fishing • BAIT:- Ground bait and particle loose feed may be used
various suppliers and manufacturers who are able to severe flood occurs and damage or loss occurs. in small quantities, excessive feeding is detrimental to
supply spares or replacement items for most Environment Agency Floodline 08459 881 188 For the angler, Cosgrove Park boasts a wide selection of the quality of the fishing. No nuts, no bloodworm and
Holiday Homes. no joker are to be used as loose feed. At the end of the
When calling this number the rivers you require flood lakes and two rivers. As a holiday home owner you may fish fishing session any unused bait must not be discarded
If you would like to order parts please see a member alerts for are Upper Ouse and River Tove, Milton Keynes. any of the waters currently open, free of charge You must into the water.
of the office staff and they will be able to advise you hold an Environment Agency Rod Licence. • RIVER FISHING:-
of supply and cost. The siting levels of all holiday homes are above the highest THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY OFFICERS DO VISIT Closed season 14th March – 15th June.
recorded flooding levels. However the roadways can THE PARK ON A REGULAR BASIS. • CHILDREN:- All children under 14 years old must
become cut off by high water and with high level floods our • RODS:- Anglers may fish with a maximum of two rods be accompanied by an adult.
Insurance electricity and sewerage systems have to be turned off for at any one time. • LIVE BAITING:- Live baiting for predators is
health and safety reasons. In this event we have to close
not permitted.
the Park until floodwaters recede. • BITE ALARMS:- No rods to be left unattended, even
when you are using bite alarms. Anglers found ignoring these rules are endangering the
Caravan Owners are reminded that it is their sole Due to the high risk of flooding during our closed season • HOOKS:- Barbless or micro barbed hooks are long term welfare of our fish stocks and the enjoyment of
responsibility to insure their holiday home. Due to changes we require all items on your plot to be stored at a higher permitted, full barbed hooks are not to be used. other anglers. Rule breaking will not be tolerated and may
in the law we can no longer recommend or advise which level at the end of each season, this includes your gas • UNHOOKING MATS:- For specimen fish of all species result in the offending angler being asked to leave
insurance companies for you to use. bottles. We advise all items are stored either in your unhooking mats must be used. the Park.
Your insurance cover should include a minimum of £5 holiday home or placed on your decking. • LANDING NETS:- Adequate landing nets made of Please do not endanger our stocks by moving fish between
million 3rd party liability and you must provide us with knotless material must be available and used wherever lakes and rivers or by introducing fish from external
a copy for our records. size of fish dictates. Swinging-in of any fish is to be water sources. Anyone found to be illegally moving,
avoided wherever possible.
FAILING TO PROVIDE US WITH A VALID COPY COULD In the event of a fire • RETURNING FISH:- All fish must be returned to the removing or introducing fish will have their site
rent agreement cancelled and will be reported to the
LIMIT YOUR ACCESS TO THE PARK. water as quickly as possible following unhooking/ Environment Agency for prosecution.
In the event of a fire, Please dial 999 and report this weighing and any photography. All fish must be
to reception. returned to the same lake or river from which they If you observe anyone breaching the fishing rules please
In the event of • KEEPNETS:- To minimise risk of cross infection and report the matter to the Main Office immediately.
were caught.
flooding to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our fish stocks,
keepnets are not to be used. (Except in matches
organised by the Park).
With seventeen lakes, two rivers and being situated • SWIMS:- Fishing limits of the pegs are midway
partially in a flood plain, it is inevitable that certain areas between adjacent plots and half way across the
of the Park will flood from time to time. The majority of water to opposite plots if occupied.
these occurrences take place during the winter period when • BAIT BOATS:- Bait boats are permitted but please
the Park is closed. However, in the past floods have occurred respect other anglers, particularly in view of the
during the open season and therefore we cannot ignore the above bullet point regarding swim limits.
possibility that this may happen again in the future.