Page 3 - Cosgrove Home Owners Guide 2024
P. 3
Dog Waste Disposal Winterisation In the event of your electricity supply not working: • Under no circumstances are holiday home owners
permitted to sell or advertise their holiday homes for
• Check your credit on your meter. Unplug any high
It is the owner’s responsibility for cleaning up any mess consumption items such as a kettle & then check the sale on Cosgrove Park privately. The Park Main Office
must conduct all sales.
that their dog may leave. There are dog bins located fuse box or consumer unit, which is usually located in
around the park for the disposal of dog waste. Please only At the end of every season, the caravan’s water system the main bedroom wardrobe. SITE FEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE
use these for dog waste and not general litter. must be drained down to minimize the risk of frost • Then check the meter box outside. Make sure that all OR REFUNDABLE
damage and burst pipes etc. of the trip switches are switched up, if one or more
are down; try pushing them all the way down and then
We recommend to all our owners to have the Park drain
Water down the water system for you. This includes the re- switching them up (including the main switch or RCD). Coming to the end
connection of your Holiday Home at the beginning of the If when you press the test button on the RCD it clicks
off – that indicates that power is being received. Switch
The water supply at the park is exactly the same as you following season. It will also include the repair of any back up and then check for power inside the caravan. of your agreement
would find at home and is perfectly safe to drink, cook leaks that may occur.
with and wash in etc. The supply is connected to your This is a chargeable service and you will be given the If you still do not have power - please call in to the If once you are in your final year there are a number of
caravan via a blue pipe, located underneath your Holiday option to book this with our plumber towards the end office & we will turn your power back on at one options to consider.
Home and has a stop tap fitted. In the event of a burst of the season. of our distribution points as soon as we have • You may choose to part exchange your holiday home
pipe or leak, simply turn this stop tap off, thus cutting someone available. and remain on your existing plot.
off the supply. From a security point of view, we recommend that at the ANY LOSSES OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY LOSS OF
end of each season you take any personal belongings • Should you no longer wish to stay at the park, the park
HOT TUBS ARE PERMITTED WITH A £60 INCLUDING home with you and do not leave any items of value in the POWER MUST BE BORNE BY THE CARAVAN OWNER. can arrange for a valuation from a dealer to purchase
VAT WATER SURCHARGE PER SEASON. caravan. As a further measure we recommend that you If you require any further information about your your home. In this instance your plot must be vacated
leave all of the curtains open so that it is perfectly obvious electricity meter, please see a member of the reception by the 30th November. Please remove all personal
that the caravan is empty. team who will be happy to discuss this with you. effects from your plot as there may be a charge for
Water Heaters If you do not have your Holiday Home drained down it disposing of any items.
may result in burst pipes or water damage. • You may also sell your holiday home privately or move
The performance of water heaters will depend upon the THE LAST DAY TO BOOK YOUR WINTERISATION IS Selling your it off site, in this instance it must be removed from its
water pressure and the amount of gas that you have left in 1ST NOVEMBER BY 4PM. plot by 30th November. Please remove all personal
your bottle. Heater efficiency usually suffers when the gas Holiday Home effects from your plot as there may be a charge for
is getting low. We recommend that you use Propane gas disposing of any items. A disconnection charge of
(Red bottles) rather than Butane gas (Blue bottles) as the If you wish to sell your holiday home you have the £1250 inc VAT is payable before we disconnect
water heater should perform better, however both red and Gas following options available to you; your home.
blue bottles are suitable for Holiday Home use.
• You must offer the holiday home to Cosgrove Park first;
We recommend that on any Holiday Home fitted with a If your holiday home is connected to mains gas you will the Park will then make an offer for the holiday home.
gas to radiator central heating system, that red bottles be billed in July & November each year. If you choose to accept this offer the Park will settle Lakeside plots
of at least 19kg are used
If you holiday home is connected to bottled gas, this can payment once the holiday home has been vacated and
Please note red bottled gas regulators have a left be purchased from the Cosgrove Store & Kitchen. inspected. For holiday home owners with a 10 year Lakeside
handed thread. • If you do not accept the offer made by the Park and agreement there are various options available to you at the
AN ANNUAL SERVICE OR INSPECTION IS ADVISABLE, CHARGED IF PAYMENT ISN’T RECEIVED WITHIN the Holiday Home is less than five years old, then the end of your final lakeside season.
PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTION FOR PRICES. THE 14-DAY BILLING PERIOD Park can attempt to sell it for you on a commission/ Firstly you may wish to part exchange to a New Holiday
brokerage basis.
home and remain on your existing plot. (Subject to Terms
& Conditions).
To sell your holiday home on a commission basis, you
Sewerage System Electricity and the park agree a price at which the park will advertise Alternatively you may choose to move your home to a
your holiday home. The park will inform you of any offers
made. The park will deduct their sales commission from standard plot. A plot list is available from the sales office.
The toilets, which are fitted to static holiday homes, are The supply of electricity to your holiday home is In this instance there is no charge for the moving of your
standard domestic flush toilets. Please do not tip cooking 16 amps or 3680 watts (3.6Kw). the final sale price. Sales commission is 15% plus VAT holiday home.
oil or fat into toilets or down sinks as this will solidify and subject to a minimum of £6000 inc VAT. Holiday homes Any moving of decking or sheds is the responsibility of the
cause problems in the pipework. This means that care must be taken not to use too many sold on a brokerage basis may be removed from their plot
high consumption items at once. High consumption items & displayed on the main sales area. holiday home owner. Depending on plot availability you’re
You will see pumping stations situated around the park include kettles, irons, hairdryers, microwaves, heaters and • If neither of the above is acceptable to you, then you decking or shed may not always be transferable.
- these are the green metal cabinets with a red light on lawnmowers etc. can sell the holiday home off the Park to a dealer, other Should you no longer wish to be a resident, the park can
top. If you ever see any of the stations with the red light Park or individual. arrange for a valuation from a dealer to purchase your
illuminated, please contact a member of staff immediately, *(Microwaves – low wattage models are the only ones, home. In this instance your plot must be vacated by the 1st
as this may indicate a problem. which we would recommend). In this instance Cosgrove Park reserves the right to make November. Please remove all personal effects from your
WET WIPES AND SANITARY WEAR ARE NOT TO BE It is possible to use one, sometimes two of the above a charge for disconnecting the holiday home from the plot as there may be a charge for disposing of any items.
services and moving the holiday home to a suitable point
FLUSHED DOWN ANY TOILETS AS THIS CAUSES items while you have lights on and television, DVD and for transport collection.
PROBLEMS IN THE PARKS PIPE WORKS refrigerator etc., but if, for example, you switch the kettle
on whilst you are ironing, the electric may trip off.