Page 6 - Cosgrove Home Owners Guide 2024
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(8) Outside activities such as barbeques, party’s etc., are permitted (21) Toilet Blocks/Launderettes- No animals are allowed inside (31) The Park recommends that a suitably qualified electrician (54) A maximum of four additional cars will be permitted on site
until 10.30pm weekdays & 11.00pm on Friday and Saturdays. any of the toilet blocks/Children are not allowed to use them periodically test the Static holiday home electrical system & per day per plot unless prior permission has been given
(9) No open fires are permitted under any circumstances; as a play area/No washing of clothing is permitted in the all electrical appliances used at the holiday home. Payment of by management.
barbecues are permitted providing they are in metal sinks/Any person found damaging the toilet blocks will pay site fees shall constitute a holiday home owner’s acceptance (55) Driveways are to be left clear of any barriers or rope chain.
barbeque containers. for any damages & have to leave the Park. No smoking in & acknowledgement of their responsibility to ensure that the (56) I hereby grant Cosgrove Park permission to use all
(10) No caravan may be occupied by more than the no. of persons toilet blocks or other park buildings. electrical system & all appliances used at the holiday home photographs and/or other audiovisual materials, taken of
are tested by a suitably qualified electrician. The holiday
for whom it was designed. (22) Children under the age of eight years must be supervised home owner hereby agrees to indemnify Whilton Marina me, my family or persons I invite onto the Park. I understand
(11) A speed limit of 10 mph applies throughout the park & all when using the play equipment on the Children’s Play Limited (Cosgrove Park) & their insurers against any loss that this will be used for promotional printed material,
Area. No responsibility will be accepted for any injury to
drivers are asked to beware of children running onto the unsupervised children under any circumstances. All children or damage, injury or death arising from the use or misuse exhibitions or for any other use of advertisement. I further
road & of maintenance vehicles during grass cutting, rubbish must be supervised by a responsible adult in the swimming of the electrical system or appliances connected to the acknowledge that I, my family or guests of mine will not
collection, etc. pool area. electrical system. receive financial compensation/royalties of any
(12) Owners & occupiers of caravans are responsible for keeping (23) It is hereby agreed, by the owner/occupiers payment of site (32) The Static holiday home owner is advised to test the Residual kind whatsoever.
their pitch/plot clean & tidy & that grass is kept short. Owners fees or signing of this agreement, that all adults having care Current device (RCD) located in the fuse box of their caravan (57) No air rifles, shot guns or fire arms to be stored or used at
must ensure that all refuse including grass cuttings is placed & control of children and/or young adults using the park, every three months or in accordance with manufacturers Cosgrove park.
in dustbin bags. Full rubbish bags must be placed into the shall be personally liable for any & all damage & injury caused recommendation. For advice on how to test the RCD please (58) Only Cosgrove Park’s organized Fireworks/ pyrotechnics
large bins situated by main reception. Do not leave rubbish by the said persons & shall exercise full & proper care over consult an electrician or contact the Main Office for display permitted on site. Under no circumstances are
bags by the roadside or next to your caravan. the said persons & shall indemnify Whilton Marina Limited further information. residents allowed to have their own firework display.
(13) Washing is not to be displayed at weekends/Bank Holidays (Cosgrove Park) & it’s insurers against any loss or injury (33) The Park recommends that the gas installation of all caravans
(except towels & swimwear). to such persons whilst under their care/control. Under no and holiday homes is checked by a suitable qualified person
(14) It is hereby agreed, by the owner / occupier’s payment of site circumstances shall children or young adults under the age on an annual basis. NOTICE:
fee’s or signing of this agreement, that all visitors to the park of eighteen, be left on their own on the premises without the (33) If any caravan owner/occupier is found to be in breach of any The Site Rent Agreement shall be automatically renewed each
are personally liable to insure their property & will indemnify owner/occupier being present. of these rules & regulations & the Park at it’s own absolute year by the payment of Site Rent to Cosgrove Park.
& keep indemnified Whilton Marina Limited (Cosgrove Park) (24) Fishing in the back lakes (Bream, Pike, Tench, Perch, Rainbow discretion, terminates the site rent or pitch agreement
& its insurers from & against any loss or damage or injury and Canada) & rivers are open to all residents having paid with that owner/occupier, the owner/occupier shall not Payment of Site Rent shall constitute the caravan owner/
of whatever nature however caused or occasioned whilst on their current annual site fees. For persons having paid their be entitled to any refund of site fees, compensation or occupiers agreement to abide by the terms & conditions
the park. Please note that this includes any losses or damage annual site fees fishing is permitted in the named lakes all reimbursement whatsoever. contained in this Site Rent Agreement.
caused by flooding. year round, whilst fishing in the rivers is permitted from June (34) In any event or circumstance, site fees are not transferable E. & O. E.
(15) All property brought on to the Park or which may be stored by 16th to March 15th only. Please be aware for touring caravans or refundable.
arrangement remains the sole risk of the owner thereof & the on a lakeside or riverside location, their gardens or fishing (35) Under no circumstances are gazebo’s allowed to be erected
Park shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any property, swims are for the sole use of the occupier. All persons fishing in any touring area’s or certain holiday home plots (see
vehicle etc., or contents thereof. must obtain an NRA rod license available online from the handbook for further information)
(16) Any or property left on the park property unpaid, will be Environment Agency website prior to going fishing. Please (36) Swimming pools/paddling pools are not permitted on plots
pick up your litter! NOTE: Touring residents who choose to
retained by the park as security for any & all outstanding pitch their caravan on the lake or riverside may prevent any or pitches at Cosgrove Park. A supervised pool is available for
monies. The park will attempt to make contact with the last other resident from fishing there. swimming/paddling (under 8 years need to be supervised by
recorded owner of the caravan to recover the outstanding an adult).
monies. After ninety days from the last date to which storage (25) The construction or erection of walls, fences, screening,
or site rent was paid, if there remains any outstanding site plastic plants, platforms, fishing stages etc., is not permitted (37) Vehicles must not be registered using the park address or any
fees or storage charges, the park hereby reserves the right without prior and to be done by Cosgrove Park. pitch or caravan plot address.
to sell or dispose of the caravan, its contents or any other (26) Letting, subletting or renting out of caravans is not permitted, (38) Vehicles may not be insured using the Park as the
property. Any monies received from the sale of said caravan, any owner found to be in breach of this rule will have any site correspondence address.
its contents or any other property shall be used to pay the rent agreement or tenancy immediately terminated & will be (39) It is hereby agreed, by the owner / occupiers payment of
outstanding site fees & any balance shall be retained for a required to remove their caravan from the Park. site fee’s or signing of this agreement, that Whilton Marina
further 30 days. (27) Dogs are allowed onto the Park on a lead, provided that they Limited (Cosgrove Park) shall not be held liable for any
(17) Vehicles may not be left unattended or stored in the park for are kept under control & under no circumstances should they losses, damages, injuries or death caused by loss of power,
any extended period without the prior permission of Cosgrove cause annoyance to other persons. Dogs are not allowed onto mains services or communication network including
Park. All vehicles brought onto the park premises must have a the play area or into the shops, toilet blocks and swimming internet access.
valid Tax, MOT certificate & insurance. All drivers must hold pool area or to swim in any of the lakes. No. of dogs/pets (40) In accordance with the Law, smoking is not permitted in any
a full driving license & under no circumstances may children allowed per plot is 4. We do not permit dogs on site that of the Park buildings including toilet blocks.
ride on a driver’s lap. Residents are reminded that changes are listed on the Dangerous Dogs Act for more information
to the Road Traffic Act extended laws (including those which please see the Governments Website. (41) Illegal drugs are not permitted on the park. If you are
apply to drink driving & unlicensed drivers) to private land Owners are reminded that they are responsible for cleaning up suspected of using or possessing illegal drugs whilst on the
where there is access to the public, i.e. Cosgrove Park. The use any mess that their dog may leave. park you will be told to leave immediately and report you to
of Mopeds or Motorcycles or Motorized Scooters anywhere the police.
in the park is hereby prohibited. (Apart from access to & from (28) Cosgrove Park shall be under no liability to any loss (42) Fire pits & Chimenea’s are not permitted at Cosgrove Park.
the caravan only & then only with prior permission obtained (including consequential loss), damage or delay or expenses (43) Waste or rubbish generated off site may not be brought onto
from the Park). of any kind whatsoever caused wholly or in part by Act of the Park for disposal, anyone found to be in breach of this rule
(18) All owners/occupiers hereby agree that they will keep the God or any restriction imposed by any local, municipal may have their site rent agreement terminated.
or government authority (including Customs authorities)
caravan regularly & properly maintained & in a clean & whether British or foreign, or outbreak of war, civil (44) Home schooling will not be permitted on the Park.
decorative order. The park may at its absolute discretion, commotion, government policies or restrictions or control,
terminate the agreement with the caravan owner/occupier including restrictions of export or import or other licenses, (45) Under no circumstances are Drones allowed on the Park.
if in the park’s opinion the age, condition or appearance of trade or industrial disputes of whatever nature, whether or not (46) Residents are not permitted to cut back boundary hedging
the caravan fails to conform with adequate standards & upon such dispute involves Cosgrove Park, its servants or agents, unless they have written permission from management.
receiving such notice the caravan owner shall immediately or by any other contingency whatsoever which is outside or (47) Owners are not permitted to store any items underneath
remove his/her caravan from the site & if he/she does not, the beyond the control of the Park. their holiday homes, this is enforced by the environment
park hereby reserves the right to do so. agency regulations.
(19) Under no circumstances can swimming or dinghies be (29) Owners of powerboats and sailing craft are reminded that (48) The use of Artificial grass on plots is not permitted.
they are not permitted to store their vessels alongside their
allowed in any of the lakes. It is hereby agreed that the park caravans at any time except for the 24hr period each side of a
is not in any way liable for any loss, damage, injury or death booked lake session. (49) Hot tubs – Holiday home owners will be charged a surcharge
for water £50.00 per season.
caused to residents or other persons using the lakes & said
persons, by the owner/occupier’s payment of site fees or (30) Any persons found to be tampering with the electricity (50) No bird feeders are permitted on plot.
signing of this agreement shall indemnify Whilton Marina distribution points or meters will be given immediate notice (51) Cosgrove park is not liable for any damage to your plot
Limited (Cosgrove Park) & it’s insurers against any such loss, of termination of any site agreement or tenancy held & will or holiday home caused by wildlife/ vermin, should this
damage, injury or death however caused. be required to vacate the premises & to remove their caravan occur please contact reception who may be able to assist.
(20) All ball games are restricted to open spaces such as the from the park. (52) Holiday home owners are not permitted to display any form
designated football area where damage to caravans of advertising on their holiday home.
cannot occur. (53) No events or ceremonies are permitted on the park without
prior permission from management.